Academic Papers

Reconstruction Legal Culture

European Union Digital Library - This study attempts to uncover carok (duel), a tradition used as a solution to overcome problems related to the humiliation of a man's honor in the Madurese. This homogenous society believes that dying would be better than living enduring shame. It seems that carok becomes a socio-cultural fate for the Madurese, which is a means to express their ethnological destiny. Despite several efforts to prevent carok, such tradition keeps existing. It means that the affirmative legal instruments fail


Legal Policy And Its Position

Jurnal Dinamika Hukum - Legal Policy is a new study and part of constitutional law (Staatrecht). Legal Policy is derived from two disciplines which are the Science of Law and the Philosophy of Law. Thus, it is not an intersection between the science of Law and Politics. Legal Policy operates on an empiricallyfunctional level using the teleological-constructive method. This implies that politics is in the sense of ethics and the techniques of forming law (rechtsvorming) and law discovery (rechtsvinding). From the ontological and epistemological aspects, Legal Policy has a very strong root to be included in the science of law because its core is laws of legislation in various forms and levels. Legal Policy provides an academic basis for the process of formation and discovery which is in line with welfare, circumstances, culture, and existing values in society.


Law and Public Relations in Indonesia: Viewed from the Theory of John Henry Merryman on Strategies of Legal Development

Jurnal Walisongo - Principally, legal development is a sustainable development, its function as human interest protection, legal aims to reach an order and balance. Order in society guarantees the protection on human interest. Even though, the development on law is directed to create order in society, meaning law and society are interconnected, there are still plenty of legal products that are not able to meet people needs, and one of them is the judicial review on the Act no. 19 year 2013 on Protection and Enforcement to Farmers. This reflects that the Act does not represent social factors.


Rekonstruksi Budaya Hukum Dalam Menanggulangi Carokdi Masyarakat Madura Berdasar Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Sebagai Sarana Politik Kriminal

Jurnal Undip - Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkap carok sebagai solusi alternatif untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang terkait dengan penghinaan terhadap kehormatan dan harga diri manusia, istri, agama, dan perselisihan atas tanah dan sumber daya alam di Madura. Meskipun ada banyak upaya untuk mengatasi keadilan main hakim sendiri ini, pada kenyataannya, tindakan ini tetap ada sampai sekarang. Oleh karena itu, gagasan untuk merekonstruksi budaya hukum beberapa orang Madura berdasarkan nilai-nilai Pancasila untuk menyelesaikan carok diharapkan mengubah situasi. Ada tiga (3) masalah penting yang dibahas, yaitu: (1) Mengapa beberapa orang Madura memilih carok sebagai solusi alternatif? (2) Apa persepsi sebagian orang Madura tentang penghinaan terhadap kehormatan dan harga diri manusia, istri, agama, dan perselisihan sumber daya alam sehingga mereka memilih carok sebagai solusi alternatif untuk menyelesaikan masalah? (3) Bagaimana merekonstruksi budaya hukum untuk mengatasi carok di Madura berdasarkan nilai-nilai Pancasila sebagai alat kebijakan kriminal? Untuk menjawab tiga masalah penelitian di atas, peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif naturalistik dengan pendekatan socio-legal


Systemic Policy as Criminal Politics in Eradicating Corruption in Indonesia

- Criminal Policy is a rational organization of the control of crime by society, which can be carried out operationally through a penal or non-penal policy. Reality shows that there is a flaw in penal policy in preventing crime act of corruption in Indonesia. Various efforts have been done to eradicate corruption, starting from law enforcement, political will, legislative policy, establishment of special institutions/commissions, improvement and reformation on bureaucracy, law socialization in various circles, and establishment of international cooperation. Yet, all of those efforts have not yielded maximum results. In Indonesia, corruption is still raging. Therefore, the corruption prevention policy should rely on not only penal policy, but also non-penal policy (systemic policy).


Paradigma Pembangunan Hukum Nasional yang Responsif dalam Perspektif Teori J.H.Merryman tentang Strategi Pembangunan Hukum

Jurnal Arena Hukum - Principally, development of law is a sustainable development. Functioning as human interest protection, law aims to reach an order and balance in society. Order in society guarantees the protection on human interest. One of them is the judicial review on the Act no. 19 year 2013 on Protection and Enforcement to Farmers. This reflects that the Act does not represent social purposes and functions. This shows no harmony and benefit connections between the Act no.19 year 2013 as a written law product and society. This phenomenon, then, is analyzed by the The John Henry Merryman’ stheoryon Development of law Strategy.